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S.E.A. v1.2.3

Polish and fixes

The latest S.E.A. update brings a vertical slice of fixes and improvements.

v1.2.3 changes

  • Added Gamepad Deadzone slider to Controls screen
  • Fixed Alt+Tab locking in-game controls (introduced in v1.2.0)
  • Fixed compass headings on Status screen using counter-clockwise angles
  • Improved surface gluing for better traction at high velocities
  • Slightly increased contrast of surface
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  • Allowed toggling turbo while using scanner
  • Always spawn above surface when fast traveling to it
  • Fixed autosaving between collecting treasures
  • Improved rare audio crash recovery when treasure is spawned
  • Prevent spawning inside floor when fast traveling to it

Known issues

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  • You may occasionally get stuck in the terrain underwater. The only current solution is to use the fast travel system.
  • Audio may rarely drop out when discovering treasure. The game will now attempt to correct this, which may take several seconds. If audio does not resume, then it will return after reloading the game.

Please comment here or open an issue if you encounter anything.

On the horizon

The primary focus of v1.2.0 was responding to feedback and making optimizations to the first post-jam update. My expectation is that this will be the last update in this cycle as I shift focus to the next large content update.

What’s that sound? The next major feature will be an entity system which controls various forms of aquatic life. Perhaps it’s a gull soaring overhead, or a curious dolphin inspecting your vehicle. These creatures will give life and variety to an already dynamic sea.

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Beneath the surface I'd like to begin introducing different musical modes and textures. These might serve as biomes which add different voicings and interactive behaviors to the soundtrack. Currently I have a few planned which I expect to evolve throughout development.

More to share soon. Until then, please enjoy this update!